Monday, September 25, 2017


you know what's tiring? waiting.

i know, waiting is too subjective to be explained. there's a lot about waiting. Then, let me tell my story. Currently, waiting for this one year to pass. I want that day to come fast that I  finally realize "I made it!". I dont have to be scared of opening or scrolling social medias which at times I feel like i let myself down because of it. I know it's a part of moving on, but hm how i wish it could be a lot easier. The scar is hurt and trying to heal one more time because of this new kind of remedy. At the same time, life must goes on and all I need to do is to be patient and strive for the one last time. I want to make my parents proud, my siblings to really make me as their example and my family to envy me for being the person I am that day. And again, it's not easy as it seems. 

One day qis, one day. You are almost there :)

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