Tuesday, December 29, 2015


every year; i learn that life is never as fair as you always thought
people keep on coming and going from your life
what i can say, life is unfair
and i keep questioning myself- why do i have to feel all this kind of pain?
someone taught me that i should always remember that not all people that you care, care about you back. 
so why do i have to keep on chasing them?
appreciating whats in front of you, the ones who can actually love/care about you as much as you do

letting go; the worst or the best
it is the sure thing that i will always feel worried on losing the best person who has been living with me through the ups and downs
the best person can be either the one who's been living with you in just a short of time or in just a long time, it doesnt matter
cause you judge who's the best person in life, as you need someone who really deserves living the life with you
hoping the one to stay is the only thing that i can do, 
can't hope much but the fact of needing them is matter
and if they have to go, really, im accepting the fact that people do really come and go
i understand

and yes, im afraid of losing my best

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